We encourage churches to use the Lifestyle Matters materials available on our website and in our store to witness to others and win souls for Jesus.
Lifestyle Matters provides powerful, practical health evangelism programs designed to allow any church to do effective blended message health community outreach as an integral part of their evangelism cycle. With several innovative, cutting-edge downloadable programs, Lifestyle Matters provides a wealth of materials that meet community needs and help you make friends in your community. Whether you have a health professional in your church or not, you can use the Lifestyle Matters programs in your outreach plan. Lifestyle Matters is being used in churches all over North America with excellent results. Coupled with the powerful Balanced Living Tracts and Balance magazines, no one offers you more flexibility and ease-of-use than the Lifestyle Matters Health Programs. Choose an option and get started!
Lifestyle Matters. Changing Lives...for Good! Call 866-624-5433 for more information to call AdventSource at 800-328-0525 to order or visit www.lifestylematters.com for many additional FREE Resources.
We also promote healthful living in the following ways:
Camp Meeting Seminars – We offer health seminar tracks at Michigan Camp Meeting every June to train and equip attendees to improve their own health, as well as to promote health in their communities. We have a variety of seminars and speakers from around the country each year to bring you the latest health information and resources.
Wellness Works Training – These one-day seminars help further train and equip health ministry leaders and teams to reach out and serve our communities. Come and learn to use Lifestyle Matters Seminars, organize and host Supper Clubs, Health Expos, and a variety of up-to-date seminars and resources. Watch for a training seminar in your area, and in the meantime, check out the FREE Resources and our store on LifestyleMatters.com for materials you can use to get started now.
Sheri Christie is the Administrative Assistant for Lifestyle Matters and Health Ministries for the Michigan Conference.