Welcome to the 2023 Michigan Conference Camp Meeting! Here you can find all the audio messages from camp meeting held in Cedar Lake, Michigan from June 9-17, 2023. You can also subscribe to our weekly podcast (below) to have them delivered to your device every week. We pray that you will receive a blessing!
Jim Micheff - The Boldness of the Cross
Stephen Bohr
Deadly Camouflage
The Certainty of God's Promises
Seven Times Washed
The Mother of All Conspiracies
Fishers of Men
Randy Skeete
Adam and His Family
No Prisoners
Somebody is Lying
Shawn Boonstra
With All Boldness, Part 1
With All Boldness, Part 2
Tim Rumsey - Snapshots of My Redeemer
Mark Howard - Established in the Present Truth
Called to Lead - Chad Bernard, Jeremy Hall, Delwin Garcia, Craig Harris, Lori Randall
Clear Clutter and Get Organized - Patsy Towar
From Home to Eternity - Amie Hubbard
From Mormonism to Adventism - Cody Francis
Gardening Tips: Preparing for Eternity in the Dirt - E.J. Wolf
Is it Time to Fast? - Dan Augsburger
Mastering the Meaning and Methods of Money Management - Jim Slater
P.R.A.Y. Like Never Before - Darrel le Roux
Prophetic Preaching and Persuasive Appeals for Decision - Dan Towar
Religious Liberty Under Pressure - Joe Reeves
Prophetic Preaching and Persuasive Appeals for Decision - Daniel Towar
Sharing the Three Angels' Messages in 30 Seconds - Oleg Lotca
Users Guide to Natural Remedies: Simple Treatments for Common Ailments - Kimberly Azelton