Religious Liberty News & Perspectives

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Religious Liberty News & Perspectives


Adventist Perspectives

Reporting and analysis on religious liberty topics.


Liberty Magazine

Red Church, Blue Church, Purple Church

The moment a church becomes energized by political activism, its mission becomes seriously compromised. 
Joe Reeves



Liberty Magazine

A Messiah Problem

America is uniquely vulnerable to political leaders who wrap politics in the language and forms of religion. Why?
Bettina Krause


Michigan Memo

Christian Nationalism & Bible Prophecy     

A litmus test for identifying the end-time dragon-speaking beast of Revelation 13 requires a professing Christian establishment.
Andy Im


Adventist Review

The Right to Vote - Shall I Exercise It?

Should Adventists get involved politically? Is it OK to campaign for a party or person? What about social issues? We can learn a lot by looking to our past.
Paul A. Gordon



Liberty Magazine

The Real Problem with "Project 2025"

Is Project 2025 a proposal for an unconstitutional conservative takeover? Or is it a legitimate policy advocacy effort? Is it constitutional?
Bettina Krause


Lake Union Herald

Why Christian Nationalism Matters

When Christian leaders assume control of a government to serve the interests of a single religion, the state ceases to protect the religious freedom of all faiths.    
Andy Im


Adventist Review

A Christian America: Book Review

Christians promoting “true religion” need to take control of America and enforce the faith, says author.
Clifford Goldstein


Liberty Magazine

In Praise of the Establishment Clause

It’s fair to assume there are few Americans who’ve given more thought to the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment religious clauses than Michael W. McConnell. 
Michael McConnell



Michigan Memo

What to Make of House Bill 4474

On June 20, 2023, the Michigan House passed the bill HB-4474. The proposed bill adds to the list gender identity and sexual orientation as protected classes. What are Adventists to make of this bill?
Andy Im


General Conference

Answers to Questions on the Mark of the Beast & End Time Events

Questions regarding end time events, the Mark of the Beast, & statements by Ellen G. White are briefly answered.
Biblical Research Institute


Liberty Magazine

Framing the Religion Clauses...First Things First

Much of the contemporary debate over the framers’ intent in the wording of the religion clauses focuses on the Establishment Clause. What was the intent of the Framers?
Derek H. Davis


Huffington Post

Keeping Church at Arm's Length from State

There's a difference between government allowing certain actions with which we might disagree on moral grounds... as opposed to compelling them. That is the fine line that is religious liberty.
Ted Wilson