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On the road with elder micheff 3
On The Road with Elder Micheff (Part 3)
On The Road with Elder Micheff (Part 3)
By Jim Micheff - October 25, 2023
On the Road with Elder Micheff (Part 3)
The conference president hits the interstate to visit churches involved in the Discovering Revelation series. Pictures are taken with his iPhone.
Mio Church
This is the Mio church where Discovering Revelation is being held.
Nancy & husband Bob ready to register attendees. There were 29 in attendance with 6 guests.
Tracy is coordinating Discovering Revelation. The Mio church was without a pastor at the time but decided to go ahead with the meetings. She went to the speaker/coordinator training at Camp Au Sable. They mailed out 10,000 mailers, distributed 300+ Great Controversy’s, made Glow packs available weekly for members, placed 25 posters in various businesses, put out yard signs & advertised on Facebook. All their work has paid off with attendance averaging around 30 so far.
Pastoral Family: Bob & Elsena Benson
The speaker throughout the series is Justin Becker. He is a local elder & was one of three speakers for Unlock Revelation several years ago.
Julia Stacey, a faithful member supporting the meetings.
John the head elder, welcoming & giving announcements.
Justin is addressing the topic of the Antichrist. It’s really rare to see such an interactive audience. They are really attentive & asking questions but Justin is able to answer with clarity & keep going without it bogging down the presentation. One family had a 10 year old daughter who was fully engaged & asking very good questions. God is really blessing all of us.
At the close of the presentation Justin went over a decision card with everyone. John followed by giving a short testimony. Here Pastor Bob is inviting attendees to church.
Gaylord Church
The Gaylord church. The meetings are held in the fellowship room behind the sanctuary. The door on the left side is where people enter for registration.
Shirley is getting ready to welcome & register attendees.
Monty is a new member but grew up attending an Adventist church. He said the Lord brought him back & delivered him from cigarettes. He’s celebrating one year without smoking. After two heart attacks, his heart had lost some of its ability to function, but at his recent check-up the doctor told him his heart has regained much of what had been lost. We praise God for these blessings.
Monty told us he has learned so much about God during these meetings.
Ernie is a long-time member of Gaylord & father of pastor EJ from Edmore/Frost/Lakeview.
Pastor Chris Ames & I are just about to have prayer for God’s power & presence before he delivers the message.
I took this selfie with Brenda, another faithful member.
Ernie & Nina, & Monica & Monty are visiting while they wait for others to come. Monty had invited a friend & shortly after this photo was taken, the friend showed up & sat by him.
The Gaylord church is raising money to build a new church. They have the land & in the back of the church there is a big poster recognizing their progress. This little church has already raised $170,000+ toward their goal of $500,000. Tom is a retired architect who is continuing to keep his license current so he can draw the plans. He is also a big supporter of these meetings.
Joel is responsible for AV & is audio recording each presentation.
Monica giving an interesting presentation on health.
Pastor Chris introducing tonight’s topic - The Coming of the Lawless One. They had 19 in total attendance with 3 guests.